Sunday, February 4, 2007

TESOL 2.0 Presentation at Teachers College

Yesterday Joachim and I presented at NYSTESOL Applied Linguistics Winter Conference, and it was a great success. We had many excellent questions and suggestions from the audience, which goes to show that the TESOL community is on the cutting edge of technology integration in the language learning context. I was especially impressed with the variety of questions concerning not only the how and why, but also considering changing the current paradigm of administrator's perception of various mobile technology. We believe portable technology such as iPods, cellular phones, PDAs, and even gaming products like the PSP are rich avenues to explore vis-a-vis language learning. An audience member raised an important point that while they may be interesting tools for our students, we must keep in mind how they are viewed in academic contexts. This can be an ongoing (and somewhat daunting) struggle at times!

Special thanks to Professor Combs and Professor Wagner for the opportunity, and Tara for doing a wonderful job behind the video camera. All in all it was a very enjoyable presentation, keep an eye out for it soon (we'll be posting it in 10 min segments...)

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