Friday, February 9, 2007

Words and Images Activity

We have three activities we do in class daily: blog discussion, Overheard in New York listening activity, and Words and Images. Originally Words and Images was titled Digital Picture Journal. We thought we'd have our students write about pictures the teachers (and later the students) shared with the class.
When I sat down to think about what we were actually going to do with this activity, I felt that it was too broad, would take up valuable interactive class time, and was something that the students could already do with the blog outside of class.
I thought about the needs analysis we conducted with our students. Many commented that they would like to improve their vocabulary. I felt that perhaps we can tie digital imaging with vocabulary building, hence the birth of Words and Images.
These are the specific steps for Words and Images:
  1. T. models the activity by displaying an image on the screen. T. elicits interpretations of the image.
  2. T. displays vocabulary word on the screen. Word and image are connected.
  3. T. reads aloud an example sentence of the vocabulary being used in context.
  4. T. reads the definition of the word.
  5. Image, sentence, and definition are posted a separate blog dedicated to Words and Images.
  6. Subsequently, the T. assigns the rest of the week for students to present their own words.
To get students interested in the activity after modeling it, I had them practice in class. First, I instructed them to bring digital cameras to class. I divided the students into pairs and assigned each a vocabulary word. Their task was to act out that word and capture it through their digital cameras. Finally they had to write a sentence using the word, and post everything to the Words and Images blog.

This activity seems to be working well. As you can see from the Words and Images blog, the students seem to really be enjoying themselves.

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